These are only 9 out of 25 applications and projects I completed in just the 3 months (all were part of my attendance in Columbia University School of Engineering Full Stack Bootcamp 2021 Summer course). Take a look at my repository to see all of my over 40 repos.

But please note that in my 23-year career, I have developed hundreds of websites, applications and tools. And I have also built many RESTful APIs in Java, besides all the Javascript & MERN stack showcased here.

You may get a blank page when launching. So, please allow a short period of time, 30 - 40 seconds tops, for some of these apps that are served from Heroku's Cloud Application Platform to wake up.

Book Search

A fully functional Google Books API search engine app built with Apollo Server + GraphQL API. MERN Stack applied: React front-end, MongoDB database, ExpressJS under the hood & Node.js.

Check out the app!


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Redux Store

Ecommerce Store using Redux Global State Management. MERN Full Stack (Mongoose too) along with Apollo Server + GraphQL API. JWT (JSON Web Token) and Stripe Payment Gateway Integration.

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Workday Scheduler

A daily planner browser app that allows a user to save events for each hour of the day. It features dynamically updated HTML & CSS powered by 3rd-Party API's (such as jQuery, Bootstrap & Moment.js).

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Weather Dashboard

Weather app that retrieves data from Open Weather Map API using Javascript async/await fetching when searching for daily & 5 day forecast. It also stores the cities searched into Local Storage.

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Note Taker

App to write and save notes. It is an ExpressJS back-end and the note's data is saved and retrieved from a JSON file that includes unique IDs for each record. Full CRUD operations are supported.

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Budget Tracker

Budget Tracker that works both online and offline. PWA too!! - install it!! Front-end is engineered using ExpressJS and it is powered by Mongoose & MongoDB (NoSQL DB hosted on MongoDB Atlas).

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Password Generator

App's interface allows exchanges to be made with it via prompts, confirms and alerts. It'll guide you if incorrect inputs. If you answer correctly, you'll be given a new random, secured password.

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Workout Tracker

Track your existing or new workouts. A default is provided to start with. Add as many exercises too. A stats dashboard displays your hard work for the previous 9 days. RESTful API.

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Tech Blog

RESTful API backed CMS-style blog. SignUp/Login features. Create New Posts. Also Edit or Delete them. View your own dashboard as well as posts by others. Deployed to Heroku. MySQL database.

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