I have a Bachelor's Degree in Computer Science & Mathematics from Pace University.

At the end of September 2021, I completed a full-time summer semester Full Stack Developer Bootcamp course from Columbia University, receiving an A+ along with my certificate.

I live in the Bronx borough of NYC, Riverdale specifically.

For the last year, I was employeed as a Senior Solutions Engineer at a fintech company whose product offerings centered on small business loans and account origination. In my position I supported Java Spring Boot Microservices SaaS offerings that had over 25 back-end microservices as part of its platform and it had both Vue.js & ReactJS front-ends as well. I gained valuable experience with Microservices, Kubernetes & its Dashboards, PostgreSQL, DataGrip IDE, Jenkins for deployments, Kibana logs, JMESPath, HashiCorp Vault, Multi-Tenancy, Auth0 & AWS.

Professionally, I have an extensive career, starting as a Web Developer initially and for about 7 years and then I moved into Software Engineering and have been a SWE ever since. Those 5 years in the Senior Integration Engineer role at the analytics company, I discovered that I am very comfortable being in front of customers and thrived just as much as being a collaborator/Software Engineer with Development & Engineering teams. I helped so many developers and vendors not just understand the mature video analytics engine but also assisted them to integrate its APIs via pair programming and validate the code using several testing tools and approaches. I also provided guidance and support to many non-technical partners.

I'm grateful that I was able to allow myself some time off and take and be able to focus on that full-time bootcamp course. Having learned React and GraphQL helped in me landing the finTech position.

My favorite programming language is Java and I like building RESTful APIs as well as working in Android Studio coding Android mobile apps. I have extensive experience with OOP (Object-Oriented Programming) & Design Patterns such as MVC (Model View Controller).

During those several months in class, I spent time brushing up on JavaScript, CSS & learning the MERN Stack. And I learned a great deal on:

  • ReactJS
  • React State Management/Global Context & Redux
  • NodeJS & Express Server
  • Apollo Server with GraphQL
  • ORM (Object-Relational Mapping), Data Modeling & Sequelize
  • TDD (Test Driven Development) & Mock
  • Templating Engines
  • JSON Web Token (JWT) Authentication
  • WEB, 3rd Party & Server API's
  • PWA (Progressive Web Apps)
  • Heroku deployment

I do have experience with databases as well, with both RDBMS (MySQL, MS SQL Server, PostgreSQL & Oracle) and NoSQL (MongoDB).

My experience also extends into analytics, both page metrics and video quality of experience.

My strengths span hands-on technical programming in several current languages such as Java, HTML5, Javascript, CSS and SQL. I've also had to code in Objective-C/PHP/BrightScript/Perl.

I'm a believer in planning and have a lot of experience in Project & Resource Management. I've had to do a lot of requirements gathering too as part of that planning using Confluence to capture these details and add diagrams to help explain workflows and setups. In addition, I've leveraged ticketing systems tools such as JIRA and Trello to assist with breaking down the work. I have a lot of Agile experience too and find Kanban boards help tremendously in hitting project milestones.

I am extremely creative and have had experience designing UI. I worked in graphic and catalogue design as well as photo retouching before dedicating my career to coding.

Wireframing is always key in helping build software. I wireframe and create diagrams all the time. It is extremely helpful with knowledge sharing too as it can explain product flows easily.

More than half of my career has covered most aspects of video: from encoding, to player development, to API development for players to leverage, to back-end systems engineering that support services players rely on to various analytic engines, advertising frameworks, payment gateway systems, AuthN login checks, AuthZ entitlement checks, tokenization, blackout services and stream limiting integrations.

On the personal side, I'm not originally from the United States but I am, now for over 35 years, a Naturalized Citizen of the United States.

I was born in Brasil, (I also have Lebanese heritage) in the state of Pará in a city called Belém (which translates to Bethlehem in English). This state is in Brasil's north and the city is a basin city to the Amazon River.

Fun fact: Belem is located just over a degree below the Equator & it's summer year round.

Portuguese is my 1st language and English is actually my 3rd language and that's because when I moved to the United States when I was 5 years old, there were no Portuguese speaking teachers available in the school district. So I was assigned a Spanish speaking teacher (who was brilliant and found similar words in Spanish to Portuguese and while she taught me English, she also taught me Spanish).

So when I was deciding what to study in university, I decided to study programming/coding because I enjoyed that experience in learning the Spanish & English languages. And I've not been disappointed.

I'm a strong debugger. And I've had to troubleshoot and reverse engineer code many many times.

As a teammate, I'm very encouraging and supportive and always offering to help and making myself available.

I work hard to keep up with current technologies and look forward to my next adventure in Software Engineering.